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Energy Conservation vs Energy Efficiency:
What's the difference?

Whether it’s the desire to lower your energy bills or an interest in protecting the planet from environmental harm, everyone has a reason to be interested in both energy conservation and energy efficiency. The two terms are not exactly interchangeable, though they do share one common thread: effectively reducing the amount of energy you use and waste.

man checking hvac systeme

Energy Conservation

When we talk about energy conservation (conserving energy), we are talking about using a lower total amount of energy to perform a particular function, or not using that energy at all. Declining to do something that uses energy (for example, using a hair dryer) or skipping the use of a fuel-powered machine (running outside rather than using a treadmill) are simple examples of conservation.

In science classes, students are taught about the law of energy conservation, which basically states that energy does not disappear when it’s used. However, this is not the type of conservation we mean when we discuss eco-friendly or environmentally conscious practices; instead we just mean the reduction of energy consumption.

Examples include:

  • Turning your refrigerator temperature up a degree or two
  • Remembering to turn off lights before leaving a room
  • Bicycling to the store instead of driving
  • Turning off the air conditioner and using a fan, or using more blankets instead of turning up the heat

Energy Efficiency

The term energy efficiency applies to situations where we consume energy while taking specific actions or making certain decisions to ensure that we get the most utility out of the energy we use. In short, it means getting more bang for your buck.

Examples of energy efficiency include:

  • Using cold water in the washing machine
  • Turning the thermostat a degree or two warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter
  • Improving home insulation and weather-stripping windows to retain heating and cooling
  • Driving with smooth acceleration to avoid burning extra gasoline

In either case, we reduce our emissions and lower our energy bills when we practice conserving energy or using energy efficiently. We need energy to power our lives, but even small changes in daily habits can add up to big savings over time.

For more information about saving energy in your home, please contact us at Tri-County Aire, where we deliver comfort with care.

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