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HVAC Comfort Financing

Load Calculations – How an HVAC Pro Determines the Right-Sized System

The load calculations that HVAC contractors perform are a critical step in choosing new HVAC equipment. Skipping the calculations and going by the size of your existing equipment can drive up energy bills, reduce the life of the new equipment and reduce indoor comfort. The exercise involves using Manuals J and D software and a reputable contractor always starts the replacement process with this calculation.

A person is pressing a button on a calculator with their finger.

Items Considered During Load Calculations:

  • Size of your home. The contractor has to measure your home to find the cubic footage you need to condition.
  • Window quality. Windows have a big impact on your home’s conditioning load for four reasons. Their energy efficiency, size, exposure to sunshine and number will make a difference in the heating and cooling load of your home. The contractor measures the windows and estimates their thermal properties for each window in your home.
  • Air infiltration. A drafty home requires more conditioning. Sometimes the contractor will suggest a professional energy audit if he or she is uncertain about your infiltration levels.
  • Insulation. Inspecting the amount and quality of the insulation throughout your home is an important aspect of the load calculation.
  • Floor plan design. The design of your home will impact the how the ductwork needs to be sized and configured.
  • Preferred temperatures. Homeowners who want their homes to be exceptionally warm or cool may need a larger system especially for families with younger children or those with aging family members.
  • Interior heat load. The amount of heat you create indoors factors into the load calculations. It includes family size and appliance usage.

The load calculation ensures that the system won’t be too large or small. A system that’s too large will run in short cycles, which increases the energy consumption, increases wear on all the parts and lowers your comfort. A system that’s too small won’t handle extremely cold or hot weather.

To learn more about load calculations, contact the pros at Tri-County Aire, providing HVAC services for Charles, St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties for more than 30 years.

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