Why Upgrade a Thermostat?
How can simply upgrading a thermostat make that much difference? By allowing you to program in energy savings. With a programmable thermostat, you can set different temperatures at different times, so when you’re at work or sleeping, the heat or A/C can be dialed back a few degrees – at least 5 degrees is optimal for energy savings – then be reset automatically just before you get home or wake in the morning to ensure your comfort. With these settings, you’re not using or paying for more heating or cooling than you actually need. With some models, you can even program in various temperature settings for different areas or rooms of the house, adjusting heating or cooling according to the time of day they are occupied.
Upgrading a Thermostat
So what’s involved in upgrading a thermostat? It’s a fairly quick and easy procedure. The most important thing is to choose a programmable thermostat that’s compatible with your HVAC system and has features that suit your lifestyle. Once you’ve done that, all that’s needed is a simple installation and calibration, and you’re ready to program in settings and reap the energy saving benefits of your new programmable thermostat.
If you’d like more information on the advantages of upgrading a thermostat, or for help choosing or installing a thermostat, please feel free to contact Tri-County Aire. We’ve been serving the home comfort needs of Southern Maryland homeowners for more than 25 years.